
Thank you 老师 for all your guidance and patient teaching!! Couldn’t have done it without your help. I'm really really happy that all the hard work finally paid off. I was actually just hoping for A2 for O level Higher Chinese, and I was surprised that I could get A1 but it is a happy surprise!! Chinese is quite a useful language to speak and a good skill for the future. Although I will probably not study Chinese as a subject in JC, I will continue to learn on my own. Thank you and keep in touch!
- Sarah
A1 for O Level Higher Chinese, Raffles Girls Secondary
I would like to say thank you for all of your support over the past 10 years. The academic and emotional support you've offered has helped me more than you know. I would not be where I am today without all of your encouragement and constant faith in me. I promise to keep studying Chinese at Princeton because you not only helped greatly develop my language capabilities but made the process extremely enjoyable. 谢谢老师!
- Tanvi
A star for IGCSE Chinese, UWCSEA 
7 points for IB Chinese, UWCSEA
Thanks Laoshi for teaching me for the past 6 years. All the revision were super helpful. I would not have got A1 for O level Chinese without your help. 我没有辜负你的期望! Once again, 谢谢老师, for all the effort that you put in to make sure I score well. Thank you!
- Jolene
A star for PSLE Chinese, Henry Park
A1 for O Level Chinese, Kuo Chuan Presbyterian
Thank you 老师 for all your help and support over the years. I am especially appreciative that we were able to continue working together virtually when I was abroad. I would not have been able to get where I am without you!
- Charlotte
A star for IGCSE, Wycombe Abbey
Distinction for UK A Level, Wycombe Abbey
Thank you so much for being such a great source of support and encouragement for Mark. He has come a long way in his learning and appreciation of the Chinese language. We are most appreciative and so happy to have gotten to know you.
- Mother of Mark
A for PSLE Chinese, ACS
Many thanks for your hard work and perseverance with Brandon. He managed to get a 7 in his IB Chinese. We are eternally grateful for your faith in him & guidance throughout these years. Thanks for the kindness and patience you've shown to him.
- Mother of Brandon
A star for IGCSE Chinese, Hwa Chong (I)
7 points for IB Chinese, Hwa Chong (I) 
谢谢您耐心地指导我、支持我,对我那么有信心,我的华文才能提高得这么快。我一定会继续努力。您也很体谅他人的感受,会耐心地解决问题。您是个很棒很棒的华文老师 。我希望你会继续爱你的学生,鼓励他们。谢谢老师!
- Rachael
A1 for O level Chinese, St Margaret's
A for A level Chinese, Raffles JC